

发布时间:2022-03-15   作者:   来源:   点击数:


白瑶,副教授、博士生导师,现任伟德国际1946官方网伟德国际1946bv官网岩土系党支部委员、工会小组长,兼任中国岩石力学与工程学会工程安全与防护分会理事、《中国矿业大学学报》青年编委、《Symmetry》客座编辑,担任《Journal of Materials Research and Technology》、《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》、《Cryosphere》等40余个国内外高水平学术期刊审稿人,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、中央高校基本科研业务费项目1项、参与国家自然科学基金项目3项,发表学术论文40篇:第一与通讯作者SCI检索13篇、第一与通讯作者EI检索6篇、2篇论文入选中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文F50006篇论文入选中国知网学术精要高影响力论文,获得授权发明专利8项、实用新型专利2项,获山西省科技进步二等奖1项,获北京市优秀毕业生(20142019)、校级优秀班主任(2022)、青年教师教学优秀奖(2023)、校级优秀本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师(2023)、《中南大学学报(英文版)》2022-2023年度优秀审稿专家、《中国矿业大学学报》优秀中青年编委和突出贡献奖等荣誉或称号。



1. 2010.09-2014.06:伟德国际1946官方网,土木工程本科

2. 2014.09-2019.06:伟德国际1946官方网,岩土工程直博

3. 2019.07-2021.07:伟德国际1946官方网煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,博士后




1. 项目






2. 论著

[1] Bai Yao*, Sun Yanding, Liu Weijun*, et al. Model test study on the formation of basin-shaped freezing range in sandy gravel stratum under seepage conditions[J]. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2024, 51: 102601. SCI, JCR Q1

[2] Bai Yao*, Dou Haoyu, Sun Peng, et al. Strength properties and damage evolution mechanism of single-flawed Brazilian discs: an experimental study and particle flow simulation[J]. Symmetry, 2023, 15(4): 895. SCI, JCR Q2

[3] Bai Yao*, Sun Peng, Dou Haoyu, et al. Experiment and particle flow simulation on mechanical properties and crack evolution mechanism of Brazilian discs containing two flaws[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2023, 20(6): 1227-1241. SCI, JCR Q3

[4] Zeng Yu, Bai Yao*, Zou Yu, et al. Numerical study on stratigraphic and structural deformation patterns considering surface load with pile-beam-arch method construction[J]. Symmetry, 2022, 14(9): 1892. SCI, JCR Q2

[5] Zeng Yu, Huang Bo*, Zou Yu, Bai Yao*. Numerical study on static and dynamic load response of temporary support system for group tunnels excavation[J]. Buildings, 2022, 12(10): 1719. SCI, JCR Q2

[6] Bai Yao*, Shan Renliang, Tong Xiao, et al. Study on the effect of dynamic disturbance on creep behavior of frozen fractured red sandstone[J]. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2022, 26: 463-483. SCI, JCR Q2

[7] Bai Yao*, Shan Renliang, Wu Yongxin, et al. Development and application of a new triaxial testing system for subzero rocks[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2021, 44(5): 1327-1349. SCI, JCR Q3

[8] Bai Yao*, Shan Renliang, Han Tianyu, et al. Study on triaxial creep behavior and the damage constitutive model of red sandstone containing a single ice-filled flaw[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2021, 30(3): 349-373. SCI, JCR Q1

[9] Shan Renliang, Bai Yao*, Ju Yang,·et al. Study on the triaxial unloading creep mechanical properties and damage constitutive model of red sandstone containing a single ice-filled flaw[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54(2): 833-855. SCI, JCR Q1, TOP

[10] Shan Renliang, Bai Yao*, Dou Haoyu, et al. Experimental study on the mechanical properties and damage evolution of red sandstone containing a single ice-filled flaw under triaxial compression[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13: 630. SCI, JCR Q3

[11] Bai Yao*, Shan Renliang, Ju Yang, et al. Study on the mechanical properties and damage constitutive model of frozen weakly cemented red sandstone[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 171: 102980. SCI, JCR Q1

[12] Bai Yao*, Shan Renliang, Ju Yang, et al. Experimental study on the strength, deformation and crack evolution behaviour of red sandstone samples containing two ice-filled fissures under triaxial compression[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 174: 103061. SCI, JCR Q1

[13] 白瑶*, 孙鹏. 基于超星学习通的工程流体力学课程混合式教学改革研究——以中国矿业大学(北京)土木工程专业为例[J]. 沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 25(3): 306-313.

[14] 曾宇, 白瑶*, 孙鹏, . 人工冻结软黏土力学特性试验研究[J]. 工业建筑, 2023, 53(10): 105-111.

[15] 曾宇, 白瑶*, 李鹏辉, . 采空区下近距离煤层回采巷道应力分布规律研究[J]. 矿业研究与开发, 2023, 43(2): 88-94.

[16] 韩天宇, 单仁亮, 白瑶*, . 冻融条件下围岩膨胀力对斜井支护的影响研究[J]. 矿业研究与开发, 2021, 41(1): 28-33.

[17] 单仁亮, 白瑶*, 孙鹏飞, . 裂隙红砂岩冻胀力特性试验研究[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(6): 1742-1752.

[18] 单仁亮, 白瑶*, 孙鹏飞, . 冻结层状红砂岩三轴蠕变特性及本构模型研究[J]. 中国矿业大学学报, 2019, 48(1): 12-22. F5000

[19] 单仁亮, 白瑶*, 隋顺猛, . 淡水冰三轴压缩力学特性试验研究[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2018, 26(4): 901-917.

[20] 单仁亮, 白瑶*, 黄鹏程, . 三向受力条件下淡水冰破坏准则研究[J]. 力学学报, 2017, 49(2): 467-477.

[21] 单仁亮, 白瑶*, 宋永威, . 冻结立井模型爆破振动信号的小波包分析[J]. 煤炭学报, 2016, 41(8): 1923-1932.

[22] 单仁亮, 白瑶*, 宋立伟, . 冻结岩壁爆破振动及损伤特性试验研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2015, 34(S2): 3732-3741.

3. 获奖




4. 专利

1白瑶,单仁亮,孙鹏飞,等. 一种旋转扩径钻孔窥视仪摄像头对中装置及使用方法,发明专利,ZL201710678909.6

2)单仁亮,白瑶,隋顺猛,等 动力扰动低温岩石三轴加卸载流变仪及试验方法,发明专利,ZL201710306256.9

3)单仁亮,白瑶,孟驰. 隧道超前支护导管抗剪锁、注浆导管及施工方法,发明专利,ZL202010594107.9

4)李立,白瑶,孟晓刚,等. 一种厚煤层沿底巷道帮顶协同支护结构,实用新型,ZL202122297717.5

5)单仁亮,黄博,白瑶. 隧道爆破用距离定角度的炮孔定向法,发明专利,ZL201410206691.0

6)单仁亮,黄博,白瑶,等. 动压巷道支护物理模型试验装置及方法,发明专利,ZL201511021371.9

7)单仁亮,孙鹏飞,白瑶,等. 一种新型岩石三轴试验机声发射压头,实用新型,ZL201721666473.0

8)单仁亮,韩天宇,白瑶,等. 一种环向让压锚管结构及制作方法,发明专利,ZL202111072924.9

