

发布时间:2018-07-25   作者:   来源:   点击数:




1. 1983.09 - 1987.06,中国矿业大学,矿山建筑本科

2. 1987.07 - 1989.06,中国矿业大学,矿山建筑硕士

3. 1990.09 - 1994.06,中国矿业大学,矿山建筑博士

4. 1994.11 - 1996.04,中国矿业大学北京研究生部,博士后




1. 项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,52178375,吹填岛礁的钙质砂颗粒渗透运移规律与宏细观变形机理研究,2022-01-01 2025-12-3159万元,在研,参与

(2) 北京市轨道交通建设管理有限公司,企业横向项目,2017U1647,北京地铁盾构法施工安全风险技术咨询服务,2017-12 2023-121321万元,结题,主持

(3) 北京市科学技术委员会,北京市科技计划项目,Z161100001116088,北京地铁深层车站暗挖施工冻结止水技术与工程示范课题,2016-01 2020-12300万元,结题,参与

(4) 北京市基础设施投资有限公司,企业横向项目,2018207000182022年冬奥会延庆赛区外围配套综合管廊工程土建施工安全风险技术咨询服务,2018-01 2019-12333万元,结题,主持

(5) 北京市教委,中央在京高校重大成果转化及产业化项目,ZDZH20141141301,北京地铁隧道盾构施工与地面变形联合实时监控设备与系统研发,2014-01 2017-122400万元,结题,主持

2. 论著

(1) Yang Xing, Yusheng Jiang, Wang S Y, et al. Theory and experimental discussion of synchronous backfilling self-compacting concrete technology behind the segment wall of double-shield TBM [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 436.

(2) Xiaokang Shao, Yusheng Jiang, Zhu Zong Yuan, et al. TBM disc cutter ring type adaptability and rock-breaking efficiency: Numerical modeling and case study [J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2023, 34(1): 103-113.

(3) Zhenyong Wang, Yusheng Jiang, et al. On-site measurement and environmental impact of vibration caused by construction of double-shield TBM tunnel in urban subway, Scientific reports, 2023, 2023(13).

(4) Wei Zheng, Yusheng Jiang. A Simplified Analysis Method for the Deformation Response of an Existing Tunnel to Ground Surcharge Based on the Pasternak Model [J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2021, 11(7).

(5) Jiang Hua, Yusheng Jiang, Zhang J X. Risk Monitoring System for Tunnel Boring Machine and Its Application in Risk Prediction and Management; proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2013), Kunming, PEOPLES R CHINA, F Dec 14-15, 2013 [C]. 2014.

(6) Jiang Hua, Yusheng Jiang, Huang M L, et al. Study on Soil Improvement of TBM'S Commencement and Arrival in Water-rich Sand Stratum; proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), Jinan, PEOPLES R CHINA, F Oct 14-16, 2011 [C]. 2011.

(7) Jiang Hua, Yusheng Jiang, Huang M L, et al. Study on Soil Conditioning and Key Construction Parameters of EPB TBM Advancing in Sand-pebble Layer of Beijing Metro; proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), Jinan, PEOPLES R CHINA, F Oct 14-16, 2011 [C]. 2011.

(8) Bai Zhi Qiang, Zhiyong Yang, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Quantitative evaluation of influence of the soil transportation mode on the excavation efficiency for a shield tunnel based on the Markov chain [J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2023, 45(3): 4777-4790.

(9) Jiang H, Zhao H Y, Zhang X Y, et al. Comparative Study of the Rock-breaking Mechanism of a Disc Cutter and Wedge Tooth Cutter by Discrete Element Modelling [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 36(1).

(10) Zhiyong Yang, Xiaokang Shao, Qi Wei Qiang, et al. Deformation Mechanism and Controlling Strategies of Leading Tunnel Induced by Close-Spaced Lagging EPBS Driving [J]. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023, 21(11): 1783-1799.

(11) Liu Cheng Long, Yang S Y, Liu W J, et al. Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Soil Deformation during Shield Tunnel Construction [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, 2022.

(12) Xiaokang Shao, Zhiyong Yang, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Coupled FDM-DEM Method for Analyzing EPBS Machine Tunneling Performance in Boulders [J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(12).

(13) Zhiyong Yang, Xing Yang, et al. Characteristics of conditioned sand for EPB shield and its influence on cutterhead torque, Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17(12): 5813-5828.

(14) Liu Cheng Long, Wang Zhen Yong, Yusheng Jiang. Settlement Prediction of Double Line Shield Tunnel in Upper Soft and Lower Hard Stratas [J]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2022, 59(4): 385-393.

(15) Yang Xing, Zhiyong Yang, Zhang Xiao Yan, et al. Experimental study on the influences of water content, consolidation time, and soil conditioning on the adhesion of clay in EPB shields [J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81(10).

(16) Zhiyong Yang, Xiaokang Shao, et al. Engineering geological characteristics of boulders in underground: A case study from the Yu-Wan Section of Beijing Metro Line 16, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022,81(10): 402-415.

(17) Lu Z L, Wang X C, Zhou G H, et al. Investigation on Vibration Influence Law of Double-Shield TBM Tunnel Construction [J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2022, 12(15).

(18) Yang Xing, Zhiyong Yang, Hou Gong Yu, et al. Evaluation of the Active Limit Support Pressure for Shield Tunnel Face in Clay-Sand Interface Mixed Ground [J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(7).

(19) Xiaokang Shao, Zhiyong Yang, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Field test and numerical study of the effect of shield tail-grouting parameters on surface settlement [J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2022, 29(5): 509-522.

(20) Zhiyong Yang, Yang Xing, Ding Yan Jie, et al. Effect of Soil Conditioning on Saturated Sand Layers in EPB Shields: A Microstructural Analysis Based on CT Scanning and SEM [J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022, 47(10): 12387-12397.

(21) Wang Zhen Yong, Liu C L, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Study on Wear Prediction of Shield Disc Cutter in Hard Rock and Its Application [J]. Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(3): 1439-1450.

(22) Qi Wei Qiang, Yang Z Y, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Experimental Study on Fresh State Properties of Single-Liquid Semi-Inert Synchronous Grouting for Shield Tunnels in Water-Rich Sand Strata [J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022, 47(4): 4639-4655.

(23) Zhiyong Yang, Zheng yang Sun, et al. Cutting tool wear model for tunnel boring machine tunneling in heterogeneous grounds, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80(7): 5709-5723.

(24) Qi Wei Qiang, Zhiyong Yang, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Structural Deformation of Existing Horseshoe-Shaped Tunnels by Shield Overcrossing [J]. Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, 25(2): 735-749.

(25) Sun Zheng Yang, Zhiyong Yang, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Influence of particle size distribution, test time, and moisture content on sandy stratum LCPC abrasivity test results [J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80(1): 611-625.

(26) Zhenyong Wang, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Relationship between geological characteristics and key parameters of large-diameter epb shields, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2020, 57(3)

(27) Kuanda Fang, Zhiyong Yang, et al. Surface subsidence characteristics of fully overlapping tunnels constructed using tunnel boring machine in a clay stratum, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 125(2020): 0-103679

(28) Zhiyong Yang, Ding Yao Wen, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Study of the Construction Sequence of Overlapping Tunnels by the Shield Tunneling Method: A Case Study of the Longest Overlapping Tunnel in China [J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 2020.

(29) Yin Ming Lun, Jiang H, Yusheng Jiang, et al. Effect of the excavation clearance of an under-crossing shield tunnel on existing shield tunnels [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 78: 245-258.

(30) 江玉生,江华. 盾构始发与到达-端头加固理论与工程实践. 人民交通出版社股份有限公司,2021,学术专著

(31) 江玉生,孙正阳. 土压平衡盾构施工风险监控系统及参数预警研究,隧道建设(中英文),201939(7): 1083-1089

3. 获奖







4. 专利

(1) 江玉生,江华,杨志勇,等. 一种基于遇水膨胀橡胶止水条的横向接缝防水结构,2016-8-10,中国,ZL201520726307.X

(2) 江玉生,褚立孔,杨志勇,等. 盾构自动导向测量目标及测量系统,2015-11-18,中国,ZL201210186861.4

(3) 张晋勋,江华,江玉生,等. 一种地层分层位移的监测方法,2015-7-22,中国,ZL201620844526.2

